I don't think I'll ever be able to get into the finer details of any job I ever have, but needless to say anytime I do make a post about it in any capacity it's months after the fact.
Mostly to protect the innocent, namely, myself and my coworkers and the interests of the company. That said, let's move forward.
Some of the trials of publishing items and planning them is the very real case that you have to make rapid decisions and execute on plans that normally take about a month or two to plan out in maybe a couple of weeks. Now, this is not to say that this can't be done, but this is a true test of how strong the trust and relationships you have built with your team are. Can everyone operate under pressure? Does you team trust YOU to operate under pressure? How well can you formulate the plan? How many mistakes will you make along the way?
Frankly, I don't recommend it. Hell, if possible never do it. Almost nothing I have found is worth what I like to call "rapid execution", where you try to make something in your game happen as fast as possible with minimal margin for error. It stresses out your team, it stresses out you, and when (not if, WHEN) you do make mistakes, it adds more stress. As a good manager once told me: "There's always more work tomorrow".